The foundation and its mission

« A better quality of life for the person having an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder»

The Dixville Foundation (1974) has dedicated itself to promote a better quality of life for children and adults having an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder. Thanks to its donations and fundraisers, the Foundation meets the needs of the community in the Estrie region through its activities, projects and infrastructures and by offering opportunities which are typically not covered by government aid or other services. Therefore, the Foundation has a complementary role by actively promoting the users’ rights towards their self-development, social integration and autonomy.


Our impact

Presently, the Foundation serves more than 1 400 users and manages several properties that it owns. Many achievements are made possible, such as:

  • Financial support for ‘life projects’ in order to answer the needs of the users;
  • Respite care for families;
  • Summer camps;
  • Zootherapy;
  • Support to users who live alone;
  • Electronic and special equipment to facilitate communication, education and rehabilitation;
  • Participation in Special Olympics;
  • Financing and management of a recreational centre in the community (‘Drop-In Centre’);
  • Awareness campaigns during Intellectual Disability Week and Autism Month.